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Release and Book Review: Fixed Forever by Laurelin Paige


Hudson Pierce-

You act so high and mighty, you and your perfect pregnant wife Alayna. With your perfect child and your perfect home.

You weren't always perfect. Your past is filled with misdeeds.

Does your wife know all your secrets?

Would she stand behind you if she did?

You think because she’s on bedrest you can protect her? How sweet.

Sleep tight, you two.

-An Old Friend.


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3.5 Stars!! Alyana and Hudson are back again with more secrets and mystery! You’d think after years of marriage and three kids later that this couple would be living their perfect HEA and they are except someone is trying to scare the Pierce’s and things get scary! I loved seeing Hudson and Alyana as parents to their kids there were some really cute moments and it was also awesome seeing all the family members with their significant others! The infamous Celia Werner is also back again and I’m REALLY interested to see more of her story in the future. I’m really excited to see how she ended up to where she was in this book. I have to say the twist at the end of this book was very predictable which was a little dissatisfying. But Fixed Forever was an easy cute read, I read it in one sitting and enjoyed it a lot!

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